The Primary Connections team

Meet the educators and designers behind Primary Connections.

The Primary Connections team at the Academy includes expert educators with an array of professional experience, diverse knowledge and skillsets, and a passion for working alongside teachers. We have worked in a variety of education settings, nationally and internationally, in primary and secondary schools, cultural institutions, research organisations and tertiary settings including initial teacher education and research.

  • Helen Silvester, Learning Area Manager Science, Australian Academy of Science
  • Jennifer Lawrence, Senior Education Officer, Australian Academy of Science

Primary Connections is also supported by a diverse group of academics and educators who provide feedback and guidance on the design and development of our resources. Our current advisors include:

  • Professor Russell Tytler, Alfred Deakin Professor and Chair in Science Education at Deakin University, Melbourne
  • Associate Professor Peta White, Associate Professor in science and environmental education at Deakin University, Melbourne
  • Dr Kimberley Pressick-Kilborn, Director of Research Trinity Grammar School and Senior Lecturer Teacher Education Program, UTS School of Education
  • Professor Linda Hobbs, Associate Head of School (Research) School of Education, Deakin University and lead for the Girls As Leaders in STEM (GALS) program
  • Dr Charlotte Pezaro, teacher, teacher educator, curriculum writer, pedagogical strategist, assessment designer, coach, and impact planner
  • Dr Amy Strachan, Pedagogy and curriculum lecturer, University of Sunshine Coast, resource writer, and author of several books for primary education.
  • Professor Vaille Dawson, Professor of Science Education, Graduate Research Coordinator, University of Western Australia, Perth.

Content contributors

  • Kim Musgrove


Thank you to the staff and students at Caroline Chisholm Primary School for allowing us to visit and collect photos and video footage of teachers and students using our teaching sequences. If your school is interested in being part of future field tests, please sign up to be involved.

We would also like to thank teachers across Australia for their support in the design and testing of the new Primary Connections platform and sequences.