External evaluators ACIL Allen want to hear about your engagement with Primary Connections, Science Connections, Science by Doing and reSolve Maths.
This survey will ask you questions about:
The evaluation is examining the impact of all three programs, their effectiveness and the extent to which the resources contribute to improved science and/or maths teaching in Australia.
The survey is available until Friday 28 March 2025!
Take the surveyBrowse and download our classic Foundation to Year 6 sequences, aligned with the Australian Curriculum V8.4.
Clouds, temperature changes, wind and rain; explore how the weather and temperature influences our daily decisions, culminating in a weather report at the end of the unit.
People like to move it, move it. Toys like to move it, move it. How do they move? Which forces make objects move? Explore the factors, including size and shape, that affect how an object moves and look closely at how far objects can roll depending on their shape.
What’s the school made of? Explore the observable properties of objects in the school environment. Apply this understanding to design and create an object for the school that can survive outdoors.
It’s party time! Explore the observable properties of materials and how these properties influence the way a material is used. Design and create a party hat that can be worn in the sun or the rain.
Air, food, water, shelter. This unit explores how animals, including humans, use their senses to find what they need to survive.
We need them, but do they need us? Delve into the life of plants, look closely at what they need to survive, and how that compares to the needs of animals.
Look out your window - do you notice a constantly changing world? The Sun rises and sets and the sky reflects many different hues over a day. Students sharpen their observation skills by conducting investigations in the school yard.
Changes to the land and sky occur all the time - what do you see from day to day? Observe and investigate the effects of human interaction on the school environment.
Light and sound are all around us. What produces light and sound? Can you feel sound? Does sound travel through things? Do we need light to see? Are two eyes better than one? Let’s use our senses to explore light and sound.
Everyday materials can be changed in a variety of ways, and what’s more ‘everyday’ than food? Explore how heating and cooling creates physical changes to the observable properties of food.
Some things can be bent, some things can be stretched, some things can be folded, some things can be cut... How a material can be changed depends on what it’s made of. Explore how everyday materials can be physically changed.
Earthworms, snails, ants. How are they similar and different? Examine the habitats and external features of small animals to see how their basic needs are met.
My, what big teeth you have… Find out how the physical features of dinosaurs and other animals help them meet their basic survival needs. Use this new understanding to design a defence against a dinosaur attack!
Inquire about the ways we use one of Earth’s most precious resources - water. Explore the movement of water throughout the school and across a landscape. Investigate use of water in different occupations, and suggest responsible management of water at school and beyond.
Pushing and pulling, and floating and sinking - how are they related? In this unit learn about the forces of push and pull and how they work in water and in the air.