PROE is a tool to engage students in the investigative process and support deep thinking.


PROE (Predict, Reason, Observe, Explain) is a tool to engage students in the investigative process and support deep thinking. It allows teachers to monitor students thinking, ask questions, and provide feedback to guide inquiry. Students are encouraged to provide argumentation and justification skills when providing their reasoning or explanations as part of this process. It can be used with a class, collaborative teams, or individually.

Before the investigation

  • Predict: a prediction is an expected result based on past experience.
  • Reason: this is the opportunity to provide the reasons or evidence on which students may be basing their prediction. This might include providing an example that is similar to the current investigation.

During the investigation

  • Observation: use senses or measurements to identify what is happening during the investigation.

After the investigation

  • Explain: is an opportunity for students to explain why they think these things happened and compare it to their prediction and the findings of others.

Discuss with your colleagues

  • Compare the PROE approach to the 'Investigation planner'. Identify and describe the similarities and differences.
  • Describe the circumstances in which the PROE might be more appropriate to use.
  • How would omitting the 'Reasoning' change this activity?