
Finding features

Students use their senses to explore the external features of plants and animals, and learn how to group plants and animals with similar characteristics. They apply this knowledge to design and make a digital or physical scientific model of a plant or animal. 

'Finding features' is one of our new teaching sequences for AC V9

  • On the 'Sequence overview' tab you'll find all the lessons in this sequence and curriculum alignment.
  • The 'Our design decisions' tab shows how key scientific ideas develop over the sequence, and shows how the sequence addresses curriculum achievement standards.
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Lesson 1 • Using senses to observe

Students use their senses to make observations about the features of plants and animals.

Finding features


Lesson 2 • Seeds and leaves

Focusing on the senses of sight and hearing, students observe the growth of plants from seeds and group leaves according to the sounds they make, as well as their patterns, shape or size.

Finding features

Lesson 3 • Flowers

Focusing on the senses of sight and smell, students make observations about the features of flowers.

Finding features

Lesson 4 • Plants we can eat

Focusing on the senses of sight and taste, students explore edible parts of plants and sort the components of a salad bowl. Alternatively, take a closer look at the mysterious underground parts of plants (the roots).

Finding features

Lesson 5 • Animal features

Focusing on the sense of sight, students identify and group animals based on their external features such as tails, fur, legs, etc.

Finding features

Lesson 6 • Animal movement

Focusing on the sense of sight, students explore animal movement and the features that make movement possible.

Finding features

Lesson 7 • Body coverings and feeding

Focusing on the senses of sight, hearing and touch, students explore the features of body coverings and those that enable animals to feed.

Finding features


Lesson 8 • Modelling plant or animal features

Students (as scientists) create and share a model of a plant or animal explaining its external features.

Finding features

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Curriculum and syllabus alignment

Achievement standards

Students group plants and animals based on external features. They identify examples of people using observation and questioning to learn about the natural world.

Students pose questions and make predictions based on their experiences. They engage in investigations and make observations safely. With guidance, they represent observations and identify patterns. With guidance, they compare their observations with their predictions. They share questions, predictions, observations and ideas about their experiences with others.

Australian Curriculum V9 alignment

Science as a human endeavour

Science understanding

Science inquiry