Circuit breakers
View Sequence overviewStudents will:
- use the design process to plan and produce an electrical device that could be used during a blackout.
Students will represent their understanding as they:
- identify appropriate criteria that can be used to evaluate the effectiveness of a design.
- draw a labelled diagram of their electrical device.
- communicate their reasoning for the materials used in their design.
In this lesson, assessment is summative.
Students working at the achievement standard should have:
- demonstrated an understanding that electrical energy can be transferred and transformed. Evidence might include:
- identification of the role of circuit components in the transfer and transformation of energy.
- labelled diagrams identifying the movement of electrical current in a circuit.
- described how individuals and communities use scientific knowledge.
Refer to the Australian Curriculum content links on the Our design decisions tab for further information.
Whole class
Class science journal (digital or hard-copy)
Stripping pliers (to strip the insulation from the wires if required)
Demonstration copy of Prototype planner Resource sheet
Materials to create a word wall
Each group
Small torch
2 x 1.5V AA battery
2 x 1.5V battery holder
4 x light bulb holder
4 x 1.5V light bulb (+ spares)
10 x 10 cm length of insulated wire, with the ends stripped of insulation (+ spares)
Sticky tape
Items made from a variety of materials, to be used to test for conductivity as part of a circuit, including:
- wooden items (e.g. toothpicks, corks)
- plastic items (e.g. straws)
- rubber items (e.g. rubber bands, balloons)
- metal items (e.g. paperclips, thumb tacks, aluminium foil, split pins)
Optional: electric buzzer
NOTE: If no electrical equipment is available, the Circuit Construction Kit on the PHET website can be used.
Each student
Individual science journal (digital or hard-copy)
Prototype planner Resource sheet
The Act phase empowers students to use the Core concepts and key ideas of science they have learned during the Inquire phase. It encourages students to develop a sense of responsibility as members of society—to act rather than be acted upon. It provides students with the opportunity to positively influence their own life and that of the world around them. For this to occur, students need to build foundational skills in an interactive mutually supportive environment with their community.
When designing the Act phase, consider ways that students could use their scientific knowledge and skills. Consider their interests and lifestyles that may intersect with the core concepts and key ideas. What context or problem would provide students with a way to use science to synthesise a design? How (and to whom) will students communicate their understanding?
Read more about using the LIA FrameworkScience education consists of a series of key ideas and core concepts that can explain objects, events and phenomena and link them to the experiences encountered by students in their lives. The purpose of the Anchor routine is to identify and link students’ learning to these ideas and concepts in a way that builds and deepens their understanding.
When designing the Act phase of a teaching sequence, consider the core concepts and key ideas that are relevant. The Anchor routine provides an opportunity to collate and revise the key knowledge and skills students have learned, in a way that emphasises the importance of science as a human endeavour.
Revisiting electricity concepts
Reflect on the class science journal and the TWLH chart to review the sequence. Discuss how students’ ideas have changed during the activities.
- the different ways electrical energy is transformed for our needs.
- how energy is transferred from wires to lights, heaters, fridges, phones, electric cars etc.
The Act phase empowers students to use the Core concepts and key ideas of science they have learned during the Inquire phase. It encourages students to develop a sense of responsibility as members of society—to act rather than be acted upon. It provides students with the opportunity to positively influence their own life and that of the world around them. For this to occur, students need to build foundational skills in an interactive mutually supportive environment with their community.
When designing the Act phase, consider ways that students could use their scientific knowledge and skills. Consider their interests and lifestyles that may intersect with the core concepts and key ideas. What context or problem would provide students with a way to use science to synthesise a design? How (and to whom) will students communicate their understanding?
Read more about using the LIA FrameworkEach student comes to the classroom with experiences made up from science-related knowledge, attitudes, experiences and resources in their life. The Connect routine is designed to tap into these experiences, and that of their wider community. It is also an opportunity to yarn with community leaders (where appropriate) to gain an understanding of the student’s lives, languages and interests. In the Act phase, this routine reconnects with the science capital of students so students can appreciate the relevance of their learning and the agency to make decisions and take action.
When designing a teaching sequence, consider the everyday occurrences, phenomena and experiences that might relate to the science that they have learned. How could students show agency in these areas?
Read more about using the LIA FrameworkEmpathising in a blackout
Revise the T-chart on potential impacts of blackouts from the Launch phase.
Discuss the meaning of ‘empathise’ with students: imagining what it might be like to ‘walk in another’s shoes’ and identifying with other’s feelings, situations, and motivations (ACARA).
Discuss what it would/does feel like to not have any electricity at home or at school, during daytime or nighttime. What problems might people encounter, and how could we solve those problems?
- Has anyone been in a blackout?
- How did you feel? How might a person feel?
- What do you think they found the hardest?
- What do they need help with?
- Do you think you could solve the problem for them?
Outline the problem in a simple manner, such as: How can we make...(a simple electrical device) that...(we can help people during a blackout).
- Who are we helping?
- What do they need help with?
- Why do they need help?
Design briefs
A design brief is an outline of the project, who benefits, and why they need help.
A design brief is an outline of the project, who benefits, and why they need help. This can be done through a simple ‘How can…so that…’ statement. As students move through the design cycle, they will develop a set of criteria to evaluate their proposed solution.
A design brief is an outline of the project, who benefits, and why they need help. This can be done through a simple ‘How can…so that…’ statement. As students move through the design cycle, they will develop a set of criteria to evaluate their proposed solution.
The Act phase empowers students to use the Core concepts and key ideas of science they have learned during the Inquire phase. It encourages students to develop a sense of responsibility as members of society—to act rather than be acted upon. It provides students with the opportunity to positively influence their own life and that of the world around them. For this to occur, students need to build foundational skills in an interactive mutually supportive environment with their community.
When designing the Act phase, consider ways that students could use their scientific knowledge and skills. Consider their interests and lifestyles that may intersect with the core concepts and key ideas. What context or problem would provide students with a way to use science to synthesise a design? How (and to whom) will students communicate their understanding?
Read more about using the LIA FrameworkWhen students use their knowledge and skills in new ways, they also have an opportunity to develop and use their creative and critical thinking skills. With scaffolded support, they can become more confident to work in a team and develop a stronger sense of autonomy. This results in stronger student outcomes, attitudes and sense of empowerment.
When designing a teaching sequence, consider what activity would allow students to showcase their knowledge and skills. Consider the current abilities of your students. What are they capable of explaining? What props could they design or build that would support their explanations? How much information would they need in their design brief to support their thinking? How does this connect with their lives and interests?
Designing electrical prototypes
Explain and discuss:
- Students will work in collaborative learning teams to design, produce and evaluate a working prototype that will help someone experiencing a blackout.
- A prototype is a model or version of a device that tests if an idea works.
- The teams will present their prototype to the rest of the class (or any visitors that might attend).
- The prototypes must include all of the criteria that will be determined by the class (after thinking creatively first).
Thinking creatively
Remind students of all the ways people were affected during a blackout/brownout. Invite students to consider ideas that would help solve these problems. Encourage students to write every idea down on a whiteboard or sticky note (1 idea/note). Remind them that no idea should be discounted. For example, a magic battery that turns on whenever it is needed is an idea. The practicality of the idea will be considered later. Include all ideas!
Thinking critically
Discuss the key criteria that would make the electrical device useful in a blackout.
Potential criteria include:
- should contain a battery, 2-3 bulbs/speakers, wires, 1-2 switches
- easily switched on by people of all abilities
- has a source of electrical energy
- is something that is needed during a blackout
- uses classroom materials
- is sturdy
- looks good
- is easy to make
As a class, organise the key criteria from most important to least important from the point of view of the person using the device.
Select all of the ideas from the Thinking creatively phase that do not meet the most important criterion as identified by the students. Remove these unsuitable ideas from the board.
Select the ideas that do not meet the second most important criterion and remove these from the board.
Repeat this process until a small group of ideas remains. Invite student teams to select one from this group of ideas.
Students use the Prototype planner Resource sheet to:
- draw a labelled diagram of their electrical device.
- plan the equipment and procedure for making their model.
- include a description of how it should work.
Discuss the purpose and features of a procedural text: to describe how something is done. It should include a list of materials needed to do the task and a description of the sequence of steps used. It might include annotated diagrams.
For more formal presentations, student teams could prepare a poster that describes the cause and effect of a blackout and guidelines for what to do.
If time allows, teams should present their idea to the class for peer feedback (download AITSL's guide for more on peer feedback).
Encourage the students to use the required materials provided to build their electrical devices.
Students should check that the device works as intended. This may include:
- show (don’t tell) the prototype by giving it to the user to try.
- explaining the prototype design to peers or potential users.
- testing to see if the design prototype works in an intended manner.
- developing a survey for potential users.
- compare the prototype design to an existing model.
- What appears to be the problem? Can you explain it to me?
- How have you tried to solve the problem?
- Have you thought of...? (Provide strong direction)
Critical and creative thinking
Real-world problem-based learning provides opportunities to develop skills in critical and creative thinking.
Real-world problem-based learning provides opportunities to develop skills in critical and creative thinking.
Creative thinking involves opportunities to connect ideas and create possibilities by expanding on known ideas to create new and imaginative combinations. This can be done by encouraging students to ask "what if...". For example, what if a person in a blackout could:
- see everything they need (what could they use to see).
- make dinner (what they use to cook).
- wash clothes (what would they need).
- travel safely (what could replace traffic lights).
At this stage, it is important to encourage the students to think of all ideas no matter how impractical they are.
Critical thinking involves organising and processing information by collecting, comparing, and categorising facts.
One way this can be done in STEM activities is by:
- Developing a series of design criteria (criteria used to determine if the proposed solution meets the requirements).
- Organising them from most important to least important.
- Comparing the ideas to identify the 'best' idea.
Students should use the criteria as evidence to explain and justify the prototype electrical device that they will develop and test.
Real-world problem-based learning provides opportunities to develop skills in critical and creative thinking.
Creative thinking involves opportunities to connect ideas and create possibilities by expanding on known ideas to create new and imaginative combinations. This can be done by encouraging students to ask "what if...". For example, what if a person in a blackout could:
- see everything they need (what could they use to see).
- make dinner (what they use to cook).
- wash clothes (what would they need).
- travel safely (what could replace traffic lights).
At this stage, it is important to encourage the students to think of all ideas no matter how impractical they are.
Critical thinking involves organising and processing information by collecting, comparing, and categorising facts.
One way this can be done in STEM activities is by:
- Developing a series of design criteria (criteria used to determine if the proposed solution meets the requirements).
- Organising them from most important to least important.
- Comparing the ideas to identify the 'best' idea.
Students should use the criteria as evidence to explain and justify the prototype electrical device that they will develop and test.
Building and testing prototypes
A prototype can be anything that is used to put an idea into action by experimenting with ideas and modifying and adapting the approach.
A prototype can be anything that is used to put an idea into action by experimenting with ideas and modifying and adapting the approach. It can involve sketches of a social media campaign, a model, a storyboard, or a 3D construction. It is important to build more than one prototype. The first prototype should be produced quickly and cheaply to test the initial concept. Simple materials can be used to outline or build the general idea that can be filled in at a later stage (after testing and feedback).
Knowing that it is not the final prototype allows ideas to be held lightly and easily discarded if the prototype does not receive good feedback from the user. Opportunities to address assumptions and alternative concepts occur when modifying the second and third prototypes.
Collecting the multiple prototypes allows them to be used for reflection during the design cycle's sharing stage.
The testing of a prototype allows students to receive feedback on their prototype and to gain a greater understanding of the user. Alternative testing methods must be considered and evaluated to justify the designed prototype's effectiveness.
Following testing and feedback, students should be encouraged to cycle back to the empathy or prototype stage.
Potential picture book support: The Most Magnificent Thing by Ashley Spire
A prototype can be anything that is used to put an idea into action by experimenting with ideas and modifying and adapting the approach. It can involve sketches of a social media campaign, a model, a storyboard, or a 3D construction. It is important to build more than one prototype. The first prototype should be produced quickly and cheaply to test the initial concept. Simple materials can be used to outline or build the general idea that can be filled in at a later stage (after testing and feedback).
Knowing that it is not the final prototype allows ideas to be held lightly and easily discarded if the prototype does not receive good feedback from the user. Opportunities to address assumptions and alternative concepts occur when modifying the second and third prototypes.
Collecting the multiple prototypes allows them to be used for reflection during the design cycle's sharing stage.
The testing of a prototype allows students to receive feedback on their prototype and to gain a greater understanding of the user. Alternative testing methods must be considered and evaluated to justify the designed prototype's effectiveness.
Following testing and feedback, students should be encouraged to cycle back to the empathy or prototype stage.
Potential picture book support: The Most Magnificent Thing by Ashley Spire
The Act phase empowers students to use the Core concepts and key ideas of science they have learned during the Inquire phase. It encourages students to develop a sense of responsibility as members of society—to act rather than be acted upon. It provides students with the opportunity to positively influence their own life and that of the world around them. For this to occur, students need to build foundational skills in an interactive mutually supportive environment with their community.
When designing the Act phase, consider ways that students could use their scientific knowledge and skills. Consider their interests and lifestyles that may intersect with the core concepts and key ideas. What context or problem would provide students with a way to use science to synthesise a design? How (and to whom) will students communicate their understanding?
Read more about using the LIA FrameworkA key part of Science Inquiry, the Communicate routine provides students with an opportunity to communicate their ideas effectively to others. It allows students a chance to show their learning to members of their community and provides a sense of belonging. It also encourages students to have a sense of responsibility to share their understanding of science and to use this to provide a positive influence in the community.
When designing a teaching sequence, consider who might be connected to the students that have an interest in science. Who in their lives could share their learning? What forum could be used to build an enthusiasm for science. Are there members of the community (parents, teachers, peers or wider community) who would provide a link to future science careers?
Read more about using the LIA FrameworkSharing the science
Students could share their devices with their peers, other students, an electrician, or parents and carers.
They might share:
- their science journals.
- the labelled diagram of their device.
- the devices they constructed.
- a poster that suggests what to do in the event of a blackout.
Discuss the information that they will need to include in their descriptions (written or verbal), including:
- the electric circuit in their model.
- the materials and components that they have used.
- the source of the electrical energy.
- use the words transferred and transformed.
- a description of what will happen if the circuit breaks.
Students could:
- present their models to the class using appropriate voice, volume and pace skills.
- take photos/videos of their presentations.
- use a ‘Shark Tank’ format with invited judges.
- present it during science week activities.
Communication tool (CROWN)
Sharing provides an opportunity to analyse and reflect on the design thinking process.
Sharing provides an opportunity to analyse and reflect on the design thinking process. It allows the designer a chance to consider the choices made in attempting to solve the problem—to identify, describe, and evaluate the thinking and learning that was part of the design thinking process. One tool that can be used is CROWN.

Sharing provides an opportunity to analyse and reflect on the design thinking process. It allows the designer a chance to consider the choices made in attempting to solve the problem—to identify, describe, and evaluate the thinking and learning that was part of the design thinking process. One tool that can be used is CROWN.