Year 1

Changes all around

Changes to the land and sky occur all the time - what do you see from day to day? Observe and investigate the effects of human interaction on the school environment.

Changes all around addresses the AC Science Understanding ACSSU019 Observable changes occur in the sky and landscape, in the context of exploring changes that come about because of construction, weather, and human interaction.

Explore our new sequences for Year 1 aligned to AC V9

Changes all around provides students with hands-on opportunities to:

  • explore the natural, constructed and managed changes that they see in the sky and landscape around them
  • use observations to make claims about what changes can tell us
  • use scientific vocabulary to discuss how changes are managed

Students apply their new learning by:

  • planning and conducting an investigation of a change to the landscape that is caused, and then managed, by humans

Linking science with literacy

In the Primary Connections approach, students are supported to create representations that draw on and strengthen their literacy development. In Changes all around, students represent and explain their understanding about how observable changes occur in the sky and landscape, by creating these representations:

  • Factual text
  • Drawing
  • Data table
  • Annotated drawing
  • Science chat board
  • Word wall

This is a classic Primary Connections sequence aligned with the Australian Curriculum V8.4. It is only available as a downloadable package.

The Changes all around sequence package includes all the resources you need to teach this sequence, including:

  • The Changes all around unit PDF
  • Equipment list
  • Australian Curriculum v8.4 alignment
  • Student eResource sheets
  • Assessment resources:
    • Assessment rubrics
    • Work samples
    • Student self-assessment
    • Achievement standard class checklist

Teacher tools

Our new all-online sequence Any day outdoors shares a curriculum content descriptor with this sequence. Any day outdoors is aligned to the Australian Curriculum V9 and contains embedded professional learning and supplementary teacher advice.

Year 1

Any day outdoors

Students identify daily and seasonal changes and describe ways these changes affect their everyday life. They explore this concept through the context of planning for a picnic or an open-air school-related event.