Year 6

Earthquake explorers

Strong earthquakes can affect millions of lives by causing buildings to collapse, destroying roadways, and affecting basic necessities such as water supply. But did you know that the majority of earthquakes are barely noticed?

Earthquake explorers addresses AC Science Understanding ACSSU096 Sudden geological changes and extreme weather events can affect Earth’s surface, through the context of earthquakes.

Explore our new sequences for Year 6 aligned to AC V9

Earthquake explorers provides students with hands-on opportunities to:

  • explore the how the effects, magnitude and intensity of earthquakes are measured
  • model changes to the earth’s surface that occur as a result of earthquakes
  • compare data about earthquakes
  • model how scientists collect data about earthquakes

Students apply their new learning by:

  • analysing data to compare earthquake activity in Australia and neighbouring regions and investigating how scientists collect accurate data about earthquakes

Linking science with literacy

In the Primary Connections approach, students are supported to create representations that draw on and strengthen their literacy development. In Earthquake explorers, students represent and explain their understanding about how sudden geological changes and extreme weather events can affect Earth’s surface, by creating these representations:

  • Cutaway diagram
  • Factual recount
  • Factual text
  • Glossary
  • Graph
  • Oral presentation
  • Story board
  • Timeline
  • TWLH chart
  • Word wall

This is a classic Primary Connections sequence aligned with the Australian Curriculum V8.4. It is only available as a downloadable package.

The Earthquake explorers sequence package includes all the resources you need to teach this sequence, including:

  • The Earthquake explorers unit PDF
  • Equipment list
  • Australian Curriculum v8.4 alignment
  • Student eResource sheets
  • Assessment resources:
    • Assessment rubrics
    • Work samples
    • Student self-assessment
    • Achievement standard class checklist

Teacher tools