
On the move

People like to move it, move it. Toys like to move it, move it. How do they move? Which forces make objects move? Explore the factors, including size and shape, that affect how an object moves and look closely at how far objects can roll depending on their shape.

On the move addresses the AC Science Understanding ACSSU005 The way objects move depends on a variety of factors, including their size and shape, in the context of inquiring about familiar objects like toys, playground equipment, and their own body.

Explore our new sequences for Foundation aligned to AC V9

On the move provides students with hands-on opportunities to:

  • develop an understanding of how things move
  • explore the push and pull forces they can use to move objects in ways such as sliding, bouncing and spinning
  • observe and gather evidence about objects and explore the idea of fair testing

Students apply their new learning by:

  • planning and conducting an investigation of the effects of shape, size and surface on how far things can roll

Linking science with literacy

In the Primary Connections approach, students are supported to create representations that draw on and strengthen their literacy development. In On the move, students represent and explain their understanding about how objects move depending on a variety of factors, including their size and shape, by creating these representations:

  • Data table
  • Word wall
  • Labelled diagram
  • Venn diagram
  • Graph

This is a classic Primary Connections sequence aligned with the Australian Curriculum V8.4. It is only available as a downloadable package.

The On the move sequence package includes all the resources you need to teach this sequence, including:

  • The On the move unit PDF
  • Equipment list
  • Australian Curriculum v8.4 alignment
  • Student eResource sheets
  • Assessment resources:
    • Assessment rubrics
    • Work samples
    • Student self-assessment
    • Achievement standard class checklist

Teacher tools