Year 1

Any day outdoors

Students identify daily and seasonal changes and describe ways these changes affect their everyday life. They explore this concept through the context of planning for a picnic or an open-air school-related event. 

'Any day outdoors' is one of our new teaching sequences for AC V9

  • On the 'Sequence overview' tab you'll find all the lessons in this sequence and curriculum alignment.
  • The 'Our design decisions' tab shows how key scientific ideas develop over the sequence, and shows how the sequence addresses curriculum achievement standards.
  • Have you taught this sequence? Use the Feedback button to let us know how it went!


Lesson 1 • Have a nice day

Students are introduced to the concept of daily and seasonal changes. How might the weather impact planning and participating in a picnic?

Any day outdoors


Lesson 2 • Weather symbols

Students explore the symbols used to talk about weather and begin a daily weather chart.

Any day outdoors

Lesson 3 • Cloud cover

Students identify and describe cloud cover, explore how clouds might predict rain and consider how this can affect everyday life.

Any day outdoors

Lesson 4 • Is it hot today?

Students describe the sensations they feel when experiencing different temperatures.

Any day outdoors

Lesson 5 • Is it windy?

Students identify and describe the impact of wind and test the level of wind in different parts of the school.

Any day outdoors

Lesson 6 • Seasons

Students identify changes that occur in the world around them and classify the changes according to the length of time.

Any day outdoors


Lesson 7 • Planning a picnic

Students apply their learning to predict what weather might occur during their picnic, and how they might modify their plans in response.

Any day outdoors

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Curriculum and syllabus alignment

Achievement standards

Students identify daily and seasonal changes and describe ways these changes affect their everyday life. They describe situations where they use science in their daily lives and identify examples of people making scientific predictions.

Students pose questions to explore observations and make predictions based on experiences. They follow safe procedures to make and record observations. They use provided tables and organisers to sort and order data and information and, with guidance, represent patterns. With guidance, they compare observations with predictions and identify further questions. They use everyday vocabulary to communicate observations, findings and ideas.

Australian Curriculum V9 alignment

Science as a human endeavour

Science understanding

Science inquiry