Scorching swings and slides
View Sequence overviewStudents will:
- demonstrate curiosity and ask questions about the impact of heat on their bodies and objects around them.
- identify heat sources.
- identify that heat can change the temperature of their bodies and objects around them.
Students will represent their understanding as they:
- participate in and contribute to discussions, using talk to share information, experiences and ideas about heat.
- contribute to the creation and organisation of ideas in an ideas map.
In the Launch phase, assessment is diagnostic.
Take note of:
- What, if anything, have students identified as sources of heat?
- For example, sun, people, surfaces after they’ve been heated by the sun.
- Have they shown differing levels of heat?
- For example, something in direct sun being very hot, and something in shade being less hot.
- What vocabulary have they used?
- Have they used arrows to show heat transfer?
- Take note of any students who have for Lesson 2.
Whole class
Class science journal (hard-copy or digital)
Materials to create a word-wall
Thermal images Resource sheet
Each student
Individual science journal (hard-copy or digital)
If you have decided to ask students to build prototypes/models during the Act phase, you might like to ask them to begin collecting materials for this purpose. Materials should be re-used and recyclable. Examples include boxes (tissue, cereal, shoe, etc.) and other cardboard products, foil and trays made of foil, bottle tops and jar lids, skewers paddle pop sticks, etc.
The Launch phase is designed to increase the science capital in a classroom by asking questions that elicit and explore students’ experiences. It uses local and global contexts and real-world phenomena that inspire students to recognise and explore the science behind objects, events and phenomena that occur in the material world. It encourages students to ask questions, investigate concepts, and engage with the Core Concepts that anchor each unit.
The Launch phase is divided into four routines that:
- ensure students experience the science for themselves and empathise with people who experience the problems science seeks to solve (Experience and empathise)
- anchor the teaching sequence with the key ideas and core science concepts (Anchor)
- elicit students’ prior understanding (Elicit)
- and connect with the students’ lives, languages and interests (Connect).
Students arrive in the classroom with a variety of scientific experiences. This routine provides an opportunity to plan for a common shared experience for all students. The Experience may involve games, role-play, local excursions or yarning with people in the local community. This routine can involve a chance to Empathise with the people who experience the problems science seeks to solve.
When designing a teaching sequence, consider what experiences will be relevant to your students. Is there a location for an excursion, or people to talk to as part of an incursion? Are there local people in the community who might be able to talk about what they are doing? How could you set up your classroom to broaden the students’ thinking about the core science ideas? How could you provide a common experience that will provide a talking point throughout the sequence?
Read more about using the LIA FrameworkRecall playground experiences
Students role-play or imagine a time they used the playground when it was a hot day or a cold day. The role-play could be a static/statue play or a time limited role-play.
Encourage students to consider all aspects of their playground experience, including the equipment used, weather conditions etc.
Tap into students’ role-plays to determine what is happening in each scene.
- What equipment are you ‘using’ in the playground?
- What is the weather like in your scene?
- What is the playground equipment made of?
Repeat activity as required/preferred.
Adapting to your context
Most students should have an experience with playing on outdoor play equipment.
Most students should have an experience with playing on outdoor play equipment. If you have one in your school grounds, you might allow your students some time there before beginning the unit. Images and video showing children using play equipment might also support students. If the need arises you might set up ‘play stations’ using school sports equipment. Try to ensure equipment made of a range of materials is used.
If the weather does not allow for using the playground as a context (it may be winter), you may choose to switch off the classroom heater to introduce the context of heat transfer (Why do we need the heater?).
Most students should have an experience with playing on outdoor play equipment. If you have one in your school grounds, you might allow your students some time there before beginning the unit. Images and video showing children using play equipment might also support students. If the need arises you might set up ‘play stations’ using school sports equipment. Try to ensure equipment made of a range of materials is used.
If the weather does not allow for using the playground as a context (it may be winter), you may choose to switch off the classroom heater to introduce the context of heat transfer (Why do we need the heater?).
Core concepts and key ideas
When planning for teaching in your classroom, it can be useful to see where a sequence fits into the larger picture of science.
When planning for teaching in your classroom, it can be useful to see where a sequence fits into the larger picture of science. This unit is anchored to the Science understanding core concepts for Physical sciences.
- Energy can be transferred and transformed from one form to another and is conserved within systems.
In Year 3, students have already explored different actions to make sounds and how to make a variety of sounds, and recognise that sound energy causes objects to vibrate (Year 2). In this teaching sequence, they identify sources of heat energy and examine how temperature changes when heat energy is transferred from one object to another.
This core concept is linked to the key science ideas:
- Energy (heat) can be transferred between objects. (Matter and energy)
- Similarities and differences can be used to sort and classify objects and events. (Patterns, order, and organisation)
- Identified patterns related to time including simple rates of change and cycles and can be used to make predictions. (Patterns, order, and organisation)
When your students next progress through this core concept, they will identify sources of light, recognise that light travels in a straight path and describe how shadows are formed and light can be reflected and refracted (Year 5).
When planning for teaching in your classroom, it can be useful to see where a sequence fits into the larger picture of science. This unit is anchored to the Science understanding core concepts for Physical sciences.
- Energy can be transferred and transformed from one form to another and is conserved within systems.
In Year 3, students have already explored different actions to make sounds and how to make a variety of sounds, and recognise that sound energy causes objects to vibrate (Year 2). In this teaching sequence, they identify sources of heat energy and examine how temperature changes when heat energy is transferred from one object to another.
This core concept is linked to the key science ideas:
- Energy (heat) can be transferred between objects. (Matter and energy)
- Similarities and differences can be used to sort and classify objects and events. (Patterns, order, and organisation)
- Identified patterns related to time including simple rates of change and cycles and can be used to make predictions. (Patterns, order, and organisation)
When your students next progress through this core concept, they will identify sources of light, recognise that light travels in a straight path and describe how shadows are formed and light can be reflected and refracted (Year 5).
The Launch phase is designed to increase the science capital in a classroom by asking questions that elicit and explore students’ experiences. It uses local and global contexts and real-world phenomena that inspire students to recognise and explore the science behind objects, events and phenomena that occur in the material world. It encourages students to ask questions, investigate concepts, and engage with the Core Concepts that anchor each unit.
The Launch phase is divided into four routines that:
- ensure students experience the science for themselves and empathise with people who experience the problems science seeks to solve (Experience and empathise)
- anchor the teaching sequence with the key ideas and core science concepts (Anchor)
- elicit students’ prior understanding (Elicit)
- and connect with the students’ lives, languages and interests (Connect).
The Elicit routine provides opportunities to identify students’ prior experiences, existing science capital and potential alternative conceptions related to the Core concepts. The diagnostic assessment allows teachers to support their students to build connections between what they already know and the teaching and learning that occurs during the Inquire cycle.
When designing a teaching sequence, consider when and where students may have been exposed to the core concepts and key ideas in the past. Imagine how a situation would have looked without any prior knowledge. What ideas and thoughts might students have used to explain the situation or phenomenon? What alternative conceptions might your students hold? How will you identify these?
The Deep connected learning in the ‘Pedagogical Toolbox: Deep connected learning’ provides a set of tools to identify common alternative conceptions to aid teachers during this routine.
Read more about using the LIA FrameworkPrior knowledge about playgrounds and heat
Discuss students' experiences of playing on a playground on a hot day, eliciting their prior knowledge and ideas about the materials found in playgrounds, how the heat affects them and the surfaces and equipment around them, the potential dangers of this, and what they might do to stay safe.
- What is it like playing at an outdoor playground on a hot day?
- Where does the heat come from? (the heat source)
- What happens to your body when you play outside on a hot day?
- What happens to the play equipment?
- If required, draw out the idea that the equipment often gets very hot—too hot to touch and play on.
- Why might this happen?
- What are the potential dangers of playing on a hot day?
- What safety precautions do you take when playing on a hot day?
Record students’ ideas and prior knowledge on a mind map in the class science journal. Use the categories suggested in the work sample below, as they will be referred to in subsequent lessons. Add further categories as appropriate.

Optional: Discuss what a science journal is, and how and why scientists keep them.
Asking questions + defining problems
By asking questions related to the context and concepts covered in the teaching sequence, you are modelling the initial stages of science inquiry.
By asking questions related to the context and concepts covered in the teaching sequence, you are modelling the initial stages of science inquiry, encouraging students’ curiosity about the world around them, and supporting them to define potential problems—in this case related to the dangers of hot play equipment.
By asking questions related to the context and concepts covered in the teaching sequence, you are modelling the initial stages of science inquiry, encouraging students’ curiosity about the world around them, and supporting them to define potential problems—in this case related to the dangers of hot play equipment.
Heat is transferred from objects/substances with more heat to objects/substances with less heat.
Heat is transferred from objects/substances with more heat to objects/substances with less heat. In this case, radiant energy is transferred from the sun to the earth’s surface and other objects, where it is transformed into heat energy. This heat energy is, in turn, transferred to the atmosphere and other objects around it.
It is not necessary for students at this year level to understand that the heat from the sun is, in fact, radiant energy. Students might demonstrate heat coming from the sun to heat the surfaces and objects in a playground, which is acceptable at this year level. By the end of the unit, students might also recognise that the surfaces and objects heated by the sun are now also ‘releasing’ heat into the cooler atmosphere.
Heat is transferred from objects/substances with more heat to objects/substances with less heat. In this case, radiant energy is transferred from the sun to the earth’s surface and other objects, where it is transformed into heat energy. This heat energy is, in turn, transferred to the atmosphere and other objects around it.
It is not necessary for students at this year level to understand that the heat from the sun is, in fact, radiant energy. Students might demonstrate heat coming from the sun to heat the surfaces and objects in a playground, which is acceptable at this year level. By the end of the unit, students might also recognise that the surfaces and objects heated by the sun are now also ‘releasing’ heat into the cooler atmosphere.
The Launch phase is designed to increase the science capital in a classroom by asking questions that elicit and explore students’ experiences. It uses local and global contexts and real-world phenomena that inspire students to recognise and explore the science behind objects, events and phenomena that occur in the material world. It encourages students to ask questions, investigate concepts, and engage with the Core Concepts that anchor each unit.
The Launch phase is divided into four routines that:
- ensure students experience the science for themselves and empathise with people who experience the problems science seeks to solve (Experience and empathise)
- anchor the teaching sequence with the key ideas and core science concepts (Anchor)
- elicit students’ prior understanding (Elicit)
- and connect with the students’ lives, languages and interests (Connect).
Science education consists of a series of key ideas and core concepts that can explain objects, events and phenomena, and link them to the experiences encountered by students in their lives. The purpose of the Anchor routine is to identify the key ideas and concepts in a way that builds and deepens students’ understanding. During the Launch phase, the Anchor routine provides a lens through which to view the classroom context, and a way to frame the key knowledge and skills students will be learning.
When designing a teaching sequence, consider the core concepts and key ideas that are relevant. Break these into small bite-sized pieces that are relevant to the age and stage of your students. Consider possible alternative concepts that students might hold. How could you provide activities or ask questions that will allow students to consider what they know?
Each student comes to the classroom with experiences made up from science-related knowledge, attitudes, experiences and resources in their life. The Connect routine is designed to tap into these experiences and that of their wider community. It is also an opportunity to yarn with community leaders (where appropriate) to gain an understanding of the student’s lives, languages and interests. In the Launch phase, this routine identifies and uses the science capital of students as the foundation of the teaching sequence so students can appreciate the relevance of their learning and its potential impact on future decisions. In short, this routine moves beyond scientific literacy and increases the science capital in the classroom and science identity of the students.
When planning a teaching sequence, take an interest in the lives of your students. What are their hobbies, how do they travel to and from school? What might have happened in the lives of your students (i.e. blackouts) that might be relevant to your next teaching sequence? What context might be of interest to your students?
Read more about using the LIA FrameworkViewing thermal images
Introduce the context of the unit: learning about heat, the effect it has on a playground and its equipment, and how playgrounds might be designed to stop them getting too hot. At the end of the sequence, students will use this learning to make recommendations about effective playground design.
Look at a photograph of a playground featuring play equipment. Discuss what might happen to the temperature of the surfaces and objects on a hot, sunny day.
- Which surfaces/objects do you think will get the hottest on a sunny day?
- Which surfaces/objects are likely to be cooler?
- Why do you think that?
- What might happen to the water in a bottle if you left it on the side of the play area?
Show and discuss the thermal images of playgrounds on sunny days in Thermal images Resource sheet.
- What do the colours on the image mean in terms of how hot each object/area is?
- Why do you think they are hot?
- Why are some areas/objects not as hot as others?
In their individual science journals, students represent what they think about the movement of heat during a hot, sunny day on a playground. Students might use pictures, symbols, words and colours to show where the heat is coming from, and where it is moving to.
Optional: Share and discuss student representations as a class, making notes on a page titled ‘Our current ideas’ or similar on a page in the class science journal.
The Inquire phase allows students to cycle progressively and with increasing complexity through the key science ideas related to the core concepts. Each Inquire cycle is divided into three teaching and learning routines that allow students to systematically build their knowledge and skills in science and incorporate this into their current understanding of the world.
When designing a teaching sequence, it is important to consider the knowledge and skills that students will need in the final Act phase. Consider what the students already know and identify the steps that need to be taken to reach the level required. How could you facilitate students’ understanding at each step? What investigations could be designed to build the skills at each step?
Read more about using the LIA FrameworkIdentifying and constructing questions is the creative driver of the inquiry process. It allows students to explore what they know and how they know it. During the Inquire phase of the LIA Framework, the Question routine allows for past activities to be reviewed and to set the scene for the investigation that students will undertake. The use of effective questioning techniques can influence students’ view and interpretation of upcoming content, open them to exploration and link to their current interests and science capital.
When designing a teaching sequence, it is important to spend some time considering the mindset of students at the start of each Inquire phase. What do you want students to be thinking about, what do they already know and what is the best way for them to approach the task? What might tap into their curiosity?
Read more about using the LIA FrameworkAsking questions about heat
Students generate any questions they have about heat, its impact on objects (particularly those found in playgrounds), how we might measure how hot things are, and how we might stop objects from getting too hot.
Record all student questions to refer back to during the course of the unit.
Group together similar questions and ask students which ones they think would be important to answer first.
Reflect on the lesson
You might:
- begin a class word wall related to heat. This can also be done throughout the lesson, and referred back to it during this reflection, re-defining terms as appropriate.
- At this stage, the word wall should only include words that students have offered themselves during the lesson. The word wall is added to in subsequent lessons. Thus, new vocabulary is introduced in context.
Building a word wall
A word wall is an organised collection of words and images displayed in the classroom.
A word wall is an organised collection of words and images displayed in the classroom. It supports the development of a shared vocabulary related to a particular topic and provides a reference for students.
A word wall is an organised collection of words and images displayed in the classroom. It supports the development of a shared vocabulary related to a particular topic and provides a reference for students.